What Causes Foot Pain?
02/17/2014 01:42
The way shoes are laced can be important for preventing specific problems. Laces should always be loosened before putting shoes on. People with narrow feet should buy shoes with eyelets farther away from the tongue than people with wider feet. This makes for a tighter fit for narrower feet and a looser fit for wider feet. If, after tying the shoe, less than an inch of tongue shows, the shoes are probably too wide. Adjust tightness both at the top and bottom of the shoe. If shoes with high arches cause pain, skip a few eyelets when lacing them. This should relieve pressure. Breaking in and Wearing the ShoesTrauma whether acute or repeated on the foot is a great cause of foot pain The trauma is usually as a result of forces outside of the body either directly impacting the body or forcing the body into a position where a single or many forces result in damage of the body structure. Poor biomechanical bone alignment also causes pain in the foot. Tying shoes very tightly can also lead to the pain or even bruising at the top of the foot. Tendon injury known as Achilles tendonitis is also a cause of pain in feet. Long term effects could be corns, bunions and joint and nerve irritation.Foot pain, more commonly known as arch pain takes place when an injury is caused to the structures that establish contact with the external environment. There are many reasons behind occurrence of such type of pain. Inadequate biochemical alignment, muscle sprain, ligament stretch and joint fractures are the common reasons behind aching feet. This requires immediate diagnosis. Top of foot usually pains due to excessive use while running or walking over uneven landscapes. Overuse induces fatigue in the muscles of foot. The clinical conditions that give rise to foot pain during activities are flat feet, bursitis, bunions or due to presence of calluses on feet.
Buy shoes that fit. Always try on shoes before you purchase them. If the shoe is too tight across the toe box, it will be very unpleasant to wear and will make foot pain worse. Ill-fitting shoes also cause blisters or corns on your feet. You may want to get your feet Fallen Arches measured each time you try on shoes, as some brands fit differently than others. Your feet swell as the day goes on, so it is usually best to wait until the evening to try on and purchase shoes. If you order shoes online and do not like the way they fit, return them.You can also develop foot problems in you heels. While this heel pain is very common , it can begin without any injury being caused to the foot. You will usually feel the pain under the heel of the foot. It is generally present when you are standing or walking. The time that the pain is the worst is when you are getting out of bed. The cause of these foot problems is that the tissues on the sole of the foot have become inflamed. The place where the inflammation is the worst is the heel area.For this you need to go to a podiatrist a podiatrist is a foot specialist who gets the knowledge and experience after years of studies. A podiatrist can tell you about the problem of and the type of pain you are suffering from by checking your foot. The most common questions a podiatrist can ask you could be; what type of shoes you normally wear and what type of physical activities you perform that might be resulting in foot pain It is not necessary that the podiatrist can tell you about the problem just by looking at your foot sometimes several equipments utilize for this job to be done.Shoes with high heels can create much trouble for your feet. From the narrowing of the toe box (the area surrounding the front of the foot) to the angle of incline, these shoes can do quite a bit of internal damage to feet. First, when narrowing of the feet is forced, as occurs in a high heeled shoe, the mid-foot and toe areas are forced into an unnatural position. The ligaments, tendons and muscles are strained into a much smaller space than what the foot requires. Over time, nerves become compressed, blood flow is restricted to areas of the foot (particularly in the toes) and foot conditions ensue.